(Oct 2024 - Present)
Software Engineer & Technical Consultant | Java/React
Teamwill Consulting
constcoder={name:'Tsouri Chahine',skills:['React', 'NextJS', 'java', 'php', 'Socket.io', 'ExpressJs', 'NodeJs', 'Rest Api', 'MySql', 'MongoDB', 'sequelize', 'Docker', 'vercel', 'Figma', 'Git', 'Flutter', 'Android Kotlin'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,team spirit:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
My name is Tsouri Chahine. I am a professional and enthusiastic Web Developer in my daily life. I am a quick learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn and explore new technologies and am passionate about problem-solving. I love almost all the stacks of web application development and strive to make the web more open to the world. My core skill is based on JavaScript, and I love to do most of the things using JavaScript. Additionally, I am a skilled Mobile Developer using Flutter, which allows me to create high-quality, cross-platform mobile applications. I am available for any kind of job opportunity that suits my skills and interests.
(Oct 2024 - Present)
Software Engineer & Technical Consultant | Java/React
Teamwill Consulting
(Oct 2023 - Sept 2024)
Mobile Software Engineer | Flutter & Node.js
ASQII - HealthTech
(Jan 2023 - Mar 2023)
Full-Stack Developer Intern | React.js & Node.js
Centre National de l'Informatique
(Jan 2022 - Mar 2022)
Oracle Database Administrator Intern | PL/SQL • SQL • PHP
CTN - Compagnie Tunisienne de Navigation
ONCOGUIDE - Mobile Application for Cancer Patients
constproject={name:'ONCOGUIDE - Mobile Application for Cancer Patients',tools: ['flutter', 'nodeJs', 'docker', 'jwt', 'token', 'Sequelize', 'expressJs', 'cloudinary', 'nodemailer', 'socketIo],myRole:Mobile App Developer,Description: ONCOGUIDE is a mobile app for cancer patients to manage treatment and follow-ups, improving communication with doctors. Features include treatment tracking, medication reminders, health journal, access to medical documents, education, psychological support, and calendar management.,};
ArtyProd - Audiovisual Production WebSite 💻
constproject={name:'ArtyProd - Audiovisual Production WebSite 💻 ',tools: ['Python', 'Django', 'PostgreSQL', 'mongoDb],myRole:Full-Stack Developer,Description: ArtyProd is a platform specializing in graphic design, audiovisual production, and 3D design, offering a diverse range of creative solutions and project consultancy.
- Services and Projects: Creative graphic design, high-quality audiovisual production, and cutting-edge 3D design.
- Meet Our Team: Introduces the talented professionals behind ArtyProd.
- Admin Dashboard: Comprehensive tools for site management including service updates, project management, and team administration.,};
SoundHaven E-commerce WebSite 🎧
constproject={name:'SoundHaven E-commerce WebSite 🎧 ',tools: ['reactJs', 'json', 'PostgreSQL', 'tailwindcss],myRole:Full-Stack Developer,Description: SoundHaven is an e-commerce platform dedicated to sound and music enthusiasts, offering a comprehensive range of high-quality audio products. Whether you're looking for headphones, speakers, earphones, or audio systems, SoundHaven has everything you need for an exceptional listening experience .,};
bloc-note 📋
constproject={name:'bloc-note 📋 ',tools: ['javaScript', 'css', 'typescript', 'webpack],myRole:Front-end Developer,Description: About A minimalistic to-do list web app for effortlessly tracking tasks while browsing 📋.,};
English Dictionary 📚
constproject={name:'English Dictionary 📚 ',tools: ['reactJs', 'json', 'PostgreSQL', 'tailwindcss],myRole:Full-Stack Developer,Description: The English Dictionary is a comprehensive online platform designed to assist users in understanding and mastering the English language. With an extensive database of words, definitions, and examples, it serves as an invaluable resource for students, writers, educators, and anyone with a passion for language.,};
MotorMarket WebSite 💻
constproject={name:'MotorMarket WebSite 💻',tools: ['Angular', 'spring boot', 'Rest-Api', 'TypeScript', 'MongoDB', 'Maven', 'Mockito', 'Bootstrap],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: The MotorMarket platform facilitates the online buying and selling of cars and motorcycles, featuring comprehensive management of invoices and payments. With an optimized and intuitive user interface developed using Angular for the front end, and a robust back end powered by Spring Boot, MotorMarket ensures a seamless and secure user experience..,};
E-commerce WebSite 💻
constproject={name:'E-commerce WebSite 💻',tools: ['Angular', 'NodeJs', 'Rest-Api', 'TypeScript', 'MongoDb],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: A comprehensive e-commerce platform designed to provide an efficient and secure buying and selling experience. As a Full Stack Developer, I developed features for buyers to browse a diverse catalogue, make secure purchases, and track orders. Sellers can manage their store profiles, products, and access analytics. Administrators have full control over user management, order processing, and site security.,};
App Mobile Voyage 📱
constproject={name:'App Mobile Voyage 📱',tools: ['Flutter', 'Firbase', 'api', 'sqlite],myRole:Mobile App Developer,Description: Développement d'une application mobile dédiée aux voyages avec Flutter et Firebase, offrant divers services tels que la météo, les informations sur les pays et une galerie photo .,};
App Mobile GestionLivre 📱
constproject={name:'App Mobile GestionLivre 📱',tools: ['kotlin', 'android-studio', 'SQLite],myRole:Mobile App Developer,Description: A mobile application for efficient book management, offering key features for reading enthusiasts and professionals. Users can add, edit, and view books with detailed information, search by title, author, or category, and manage their library with organization and favorite marking. The app ensures seamless data synchronization across devices.,};
App Mobile Portfolio 📱
constproject={name:'App Mobile Portfolio 📱',tools: ['Flutter],myRole:Mobile App Developer,Description: I've created my CV as a mobile app using Flutter. It works on Android, and I'm currently working on exporting it to iOS as well.,};
sept. 2024 - juin. 2028
software engineering student
Engineering degree through a work-study program , University Sesame Tunisia
sept. 2021 - juin. 2024
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Sfax - Tunisia
Baccalauréat in Computer Science
Bardo High School, Tunis - Tunisia
© Developer Portfolio by Tsouri Chahine